HOOWWWWOOHHHHHHHHHWWLLL... The moon is almost full, time to take on true form and enter world,..well Quake2 anyways..:) DIR Quake2\baseq2\players\Awolf.. Thanks to.. Rogue 13 Npherno FRITZ Darren Pearce Conrad.. oh and Gullywump and not to forget THE JAMMY...:) for all the feedback. im glad that vertex nightmare is over..:) "You can tell All of the vertex to do what you want some of the time. and you can tell some of the vertex to do what you want ALL of the time. BUT why the F*@K can't you tell ALL the vertex to do what you want ALL of the F^@King time." contact ALPHAwolf@Planetquake.com Http:/WWW.planetquake.com/q2pmp/hostings/ALPHAwolf